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Chabad-Lubavitch is a philosophy, a movement, and an organization. The philosophy is based on the continuous refinement and growth of one's intellectual understanding of the world, the movement promotes acceptance and love for every Jew, and the organization is composed of thousands of institutions and even more individuals around the world dedicated to helping fellow Jews and doing acts of goodness and kindness.


Chabad-Lubavitch is guided by the teachings of its seven leaders (“Rebbes”), beginning with Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745–1812). The last of Chabad’s Rebbes, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, is known simply as “the Rebbe.”


Motivated by his philosophy of love for every Jew and spurred by a revolutionary vision of a connected Jewish world, the Rebbe set into motion an array of programs, services and institutions, among them a network of emissaries sent to establish Jewish centers all across the world.


Their sole mission? To support any Jew in need.


Today, this network has developed into a system of over 5,000 full-time emissary families that apply 250-year-old principles and philosophy to direct more than 3,500+ Chabad centers and 1,500+ institutions in more than 100 countries (and in all 50 states) dedicated solely to the welfare of Jewish people worldwide.


Chabad’s Jewish centers provide services to everyone from college students to families to professionals and the elderly, finding practical ways to educate, connect, and inspire with Jews of all ages, backgrounds, interests and affiliations.


Chabad of Tiburon is honored to join these ranks and continue to bring the Rebbe’s vision for connected world Jewry to life.

Meet The Team


Mirel Mintz
Rebbetzin and Co-director


    Levi Mintz
    Rabbi and Co-director



      Our goal is to foster a personal and meaningful connection with every individual in the Tiburon peninsula, allowing us to cater to your unique needs. At Chabad, every community member feels a sense of belonging.


      WHAT WE DO

      We provide various services to the local Jewish community, with a focus on educational programs ranging from Preschool through Hebrew School to advanced Jewish learning classes for adults. We also host programs for children, women, professionals and families, as well as Shabbat and Holiday meals, events, synagogue services.

      Ultimately, we are here to help Tiburon & Belvedere residents with anything you might need, be it physical or spiritual. We’d love to hear what your definition of a Jewish community is and work with you to bring that vision to life.



      Chabad of Tiburon is a center for Jewish life where everyone is welcome, regardless of background, knowledge, or Jewish affiliation.


      Here at Chabad, we practice Judaism with love, care, and passion, providing people of all ages with a warm, genuine, and personalized Jewish experience. 

      ABOUT US

      Chabad of Tiburon is dedicated to providing an open door environment for strengthening and enhancing Jewish values and identity to all people, regardless of background, philosophy or level of commitment.





      1640 Tiburon Blvd Suite 11,

      Tiburon, CA, 94920


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